This term, the children have loved learning about different significant celebrations. Thank you to our families who sent in photographs and talked to us about how they celebrated Diwali (the festival of lights). Children learnt songs, drew Rangoli patterns and performed the story of ‘Rama and Sita’ using props and costumes.
“I have Rama and Sita on my IPAD.”
“A bad guy came close to Sita. He took her far away. Rama couldn’t cross the river.”
“He made a bridge on the rocks to go out.”
“He made a bridge and the animals came to help. They found Sita. Rama took a bow and arrow to stop Ravana.”
“Ravana took Sita because he has lots of arms.”
“Rama and Sita were saved. They had candles on.”
“Rama and Sita coming home.”
“The candles helped them.”
“Rama and Sita over there.”