We offer two types of tours for families |
Type of Tour | When the tours take place | Time slots |
3-5 Year Olds Nursery School | Every Last Wednesday of the month (Subject to closures)* |
10.00 – 10.30am 10.30 – 11.00am |
2 -3 Year Olds Nursery School | 2 -3 Year Olds Nursery School | 10.00 -10.15am 10.15 – 10.30am 10.30 – 10.45am 10.45 – 11.00am |
We have a limit to the number of adults we can take per session:
- 8 adults/visitors per session for the 3-5 Year Olds Nursery School Tour
- 4 adults/visitors per session for the 2 Year Olds Nursery School Tour
We will try and accommodate families with preferred time slots but it is subject to availability.
If you would like to have a tour of the Nursery, please either call 0207 525 1196 or alternatively email us on office@kintoreway.southwark.sch.uk with the following information:
1. Type of tour and preferred time slot
2. Name of Parent
3. Contact details (Telephone and/or email)
4. Child’s Name
5. Child’s DOB
We will enter your details on our tour booking forms and we will confirm the date and time allocated for you. We kindly ask parents to book tours for the 2 Year Old’s Nursery after the child’s first birthday and after the child’s second birthday for the 3-5 Year Old’s Nursery tours.
Please note that if a tour falls on a day due to closures such as holidays or Staff Training days, the tour date will be re-scheduled. Please contact the office to check when the next tours will take place.