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Christmas Update

General News
This week was the Christmas Singalong where families, children and staff came together to sing Christmas songs. We celebrated the festive season by having warm drinks, Gingerbread Men and mince pies. Children were delighted to receive presents from Santa. They also took home their salt dough Christmas decorations which they…

Gingerbread Men

General News
The Children are so enthusiastic about the ‘Gingerbread Man’ story particularly when playing with props and puppets. This week, each classroom baked Gingerbread Men. Children were supported to follow a recipe, using scales to measure ingredients. We also learnt about the importance of washing our hands before baking or eating…

Hairdressing Update

General News
A few parents came in to style their children’s hair because children in Rainforest have been so involved in role-play around hairdressing. We talked about how we look after our hair by washing, conditioning, combing and brushing our hair. We watched ‘Hair Love’ on you-tube and read the story “My…

Diwali Update

General News
This term, the children have loved learning about different significant celebrations. Thank you to our families who sent in photographs and talked to us about how they celebrated Diwali (the festival of lights). Children learnt songs, drew Rangoli patterns and performed the story of ‘Rama and Sita’ using props and…

Dental Hygiene

General News
The children have been learning about the importance of looking after their teeth by eating healthily and brushing regularly to prevent tooth decay. As well as reading information books and stories about going to the dentist, they have also practiced cleaning their teeth. “My tooth is hurting. I’m pretending to…

Oh Christmas Tree!

General News
The children enjoyed preparing for Christmas by decorating the tree in the grotto and home-corner. “Christmas tree” “This is a sparkly one” “Where’s the star?” “My tree is under mummy and daddy’s big bed” “Why do we have Christmas?” “I celebrate Eid” “This looks like a necklace” “I want to…

Parent Conference Day

We are holding a Parent Conference day on Friday 8th of November when you will have an opportunity to talk about your child’s learning and development with their key person. There will be no nursery session on this day. Further details about the parent conference will be shared later.

Black History Month

During October, we are taking part in national celebrations to honour the accomplishments of Black Britons across society and across history. We are inviting parents to be part of these celebrations by coming into Nursery to share a part of their family history and culture with the children. We are…