The Children are so enthusiastic about the ‘Gingerbread Man’ story particularly when playing with props and puppets. This week, each classroom baked Gingerbread Men. Children were supported to follow a recipe, using scales to measure ingredients. We also learnt about the importance of washing our hands before baking or eating our delicious Gingerbread People.
“Put some flour!”
“It’s a Gingerbread Man, need a tummy and eyes.”
“I eat it.”
“It taste like a Gingerbread cookie”
“It’s like cakes mummy makes.”
“They’re so perfect. They’re the best in the whole world!”
“We put flour in and salt and ginger too!”
“We baked dough, we mix it with sugar and golden syrup.”
“Ginger, spicy, hot.”
“Roll it and put it in the oven.”
“The old lady, old man and animals run after him. They want to eat him.”
“There was a Gingerbread Man. He fell out of oven. It’s too hot! It’s too cold.”
“Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man.”
“The fox throws him in the air and he goes, snap, snap, snap!”