The Federation of Kintore Way Nursery School and Children’s Centre and the Grove Nursery School does not have a school uniform.
Children can wear their own clothes to school. We ask that children wear clothes in which they can move and run freely and safely. Children need to easily roll up their sleeves as they regularly wash their hands and play with water, children should not wear shirts with buttons on the cuff.
Please put your child’s name into their clothes and do not put them in expensive clothes when attending nursery. Children learn through using their senses and we provide lots of messy play activities, this means children might get their clothes dirty during the day. Please provide a bag with lots of spare clothes for your child.
Please provide footwear suitable for physical activity which your child can manage independently. We recommend Velcro fastenings not laces. Flip-flops are not permitted.
Dress for the Weather
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. During the summer, children need protection from the sun. T-shirts or tops should cover shoulders and hats and suntan cream should be provided. The school has a few spare pairs of wellies and waterproofs however it would be really helpful if you could provide your child with a pair of named wellies and waterproofs that can be left at school.