Fees / Place Types

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Fees / Place Types:

The Nursery gives priority to the children who qualify for the Free Early Education Entitlement (Free 15 hours for 2-year olds), Universal Free early education entitlement (Free 15 hours for 3- and 4-year olds) or the Free Early Education Extended Entitlement (Free 30 hours for 3- and 4-year olds).

Paying places are subject to availability. Paying places are subject to availability.  Contact the school office for further information.

Charging and payments:
All charges are paid through the school’s electronic payment system, ParentMail. Please ensure you register for an account.

Other childcare support:
You can also check whether you could be eligible for a range of other childcare benefits, such as tax free childcare and childcare vouchers, by visiting the Childcare Choices website: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/

Additional information/support:
Please contact us on 020 7525 1196 or email the office – office@kintoreway.southwark.sch.uk if you require further information and also if you would like to have a tour of our Nursery.
